About the Melbourne Men’s Group – MMG
The Melbourne Men’s Group – MMG is an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous open to all male members suffering from alcoholism. We are an active structured group with a singleness of purpose, carrying the message to the suffering alcoholic. It is founded on the principle of one alcoholic sharing with another alcoholic. Join us in brotherly and harmonious action as we trudge the road of happy destiny.
MMG Basic Text Book – Steps Study Meeting 6.00 – 6.45 pm
The aim of this study is to introduce members to the precise, specific clear cut directions on how to recover from the disease of alcoholism described in our book as a hopeless state of mind and body. Our book study is like a classroom setting where experienced members lead the sessions through the process as outlined in our basic text book. Drinking is the alcoholics answer to problems in sobriety. Alcoholic Anonymous offers a solution to the alcoholic’s dilemma; it is the 12 steps. We have compiled a Basic Text workbook that goes hand in hand with the text to help develop and enhance members understanding and comprehension of the 12 steps as outlined in our Alcoholics Anonymous Text Book.
Our book study does not aim to take members through the steps in a group manner, nor does it intend to replace the necessity for individual sponsorship. The primary purpose of these sessions together with the workbook is to provide a greater depth and understanding of our text book.
MMG Recovery Meeting 7.00 – 8.00 pm
Each night an invited guest speaker shares their experience strength and hope on how the Alcoholics Anonymous program is working in their lives for approximately 20 mins. After some readings the remainder of the meeting then consists of a wide range of members, new and old who are invited to share for around 3 – 5 mins on how the program of AA is also working in their lives.
The group has a strong focus on sponsorship with new members encouraged to engage members that are available to be sponsors or temporary sponsors.
The group primary focus on the new members is enhanced with the groups new comer packs that provide a grounding and insight into the program and fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Group Conscience
On the last Thursday of each month the group conducts its group conscience meeting. Referred to as the business meeting or steering committee meeting the focus is to ensure that our primary purpose of carrying this message is maintained. The group conscience replaces the basic text book steps study and occupies the same time slot of 6.00 – 6.45 pm. The meeting is chaired by an experienced group member and the group commitments and service positions are rotated at specific intervals. New business and any idea’s on how we can better improve our understanding and effectiveness are explored. New members are encouraged to participate and learn how the Alcoholics Anonymous service structure works. Reports are tabled from all service portfolio holders.
Group Visits
Institutional 12 Step Work
The MMG participates in a wide range of 12 step work in the rehab and treatment sectors. Each week members attend these facilities to carry the message to the sick and suffering alcoholics yet to find the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. This process helps the participating members the group to ensure immunity from drinking whilst carrying out this vital 12 step activity.
Public Information
Public information dissemination in a key aspect and focus for our group. Coordinated via the Inner City District the MMG helps in developing information packs to be distributed to a wide range of facilities within the geographic boundaries of the groups location. This activity helps us to ensure that our group participates in our third legacy.
Our Twelfth Step—carrying the message—is the basic service that the A.A. Fellowship gives; this is our principal aim and the main reason for our existence. Therefore, A.A. is more than a set of principles; it is a society of alcoholics in action. We must carry the message, else we ourselves can wither and those who haven’t been given the truth may die.